Longrain TOKYO 온라인 예약

▶Nuts and shellfish are much used in the foods. Ingredients may not be changed or removed depending on conditions.
▶By the window seats are only available for dinner courses.
Even if you reserve only a seat and request a window seat, if you choose a la carte, you will be assigned a regular seat.
If you would like a window seat, please make a reservation using the window seat dinner course plan.
▶Payment is cashless only, cash cannot be used.

▶If crowded, tables may be limitedly available for 2 hours.
▶Please contact us if you need to change or cancel your reservation. If more than 15 minutes exceed the reserved time, the reservation will be cancelled automatically.
▶10% service fee will be charged after 5pm.
▶Please be informed that with dinner use, reservation for above 6 people can be accepted only with course use.
12세 이하
5세 이하


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