Kyuhoji Ryokuchi Paying BBQ Area 온라인 예약 [Reservations] ▶ Internet reservations are only for weekends and holidays. For weekday reservations, please contact the reservation center. ▶We will accept applications on a first-come-first-served basis from 10:00, one month before the day of use. ▶Please contact us by phone if you would like one copy or two copies. ▶Please contact the reservation center for reservations made within 2 days. ▶Group reservations for more than 20 people will be accepted from 2 months in advance. For reservations, please contact the reservation center. ▶Group reservations for more than 40 people will be accepted by phone. ▶Children under 3 years old are free, but no seats are available. If you would like a seat, please enter as "3 years old or older". [Cancellation] ▶Please note that changes to the number of people booked (reduction of people) will be treated as cancellation. ▶You can cancel your reservation up to 4 days in advance. ▶In case of cancellation due to rain (when the probability of precipitation in Osaka Prefecture is 50% or more on the Japan Meteorological Agency website), please call by 12:00 noon the day before. ▶If the cancellation deadline is over, 100% cancellation fee will be charged. The cancellation fee must be paid by bank transfer within one week from the date of booking. [Reservation Center] Barbe Co., Ltd. 06-7890-7474 (Reception hours 10:00-18:00)


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