KOFFEE MAMEYA -Kakeru- 온라인 예약

We have two stores in Tokyo with different concepts.
So please be careful not to make a mistake.
This reservation is at <KOFFEE MAMEYA Kakeru>in Kiyosumi Shirakawa.


<<Information about the nearest station>>
The nearest station to our shop is Tokyo Metro Hanzomon Line Kiyosumi-shirakawa Stationred /Tozai Line Kiba Station/Monzen-Nakacho Station.
Please be careful not to make a mistake when you visit us.

We have a counter table only.
The time limit is 1hour 45mins per reservation.
*We change the time schedule in case of a special event occasionally.

▶︎We will be closed for the New Year holidays from 12/28 to 1/5.
▶︎We do not accept the reservation on the day.
▶︎We do not accept seats designation. We may not be able to answer to your question in the request box. We kindly ask for your understanding.
▶︎Please make sure to cancel by 24hours before the reservation time by the email you registered, if you need to cancel.
*If you want to change the time or number of people, please make sure to cancel it first, and make a reservation again.
▶︎ We might cancel your reservation automatically if you are running late 20min or more.
▶︎If canceled or changed within 24 hours from the reservation time, a cancellation fee of 3,000 yen per person will be charged.
*Please note that the cancellation policy on the menu will take precedence during special sales.
12세 이하


If you have any allergies, please include your companion in the entry.

예약자 정보

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이 양식을 제출함으로써, 본인은 관련 조항 및 정책에 동의합니다.