atre Kawasaki BBQ Beer Garden 온라인 예약

【Business Period】.
From Thursday, May 7 to Tuesday, September 22, 2020

[Business Hours]
Weekdays 16:00 - 23:00
Saturday, Sunday and holidays 12:00 - 23:00
July 1 (Wed) - August 31 (Mon): 12:00 - 23:00 on all days.

Web reservations are accepted until one hour before the opening time on the day of the event. (Depends on the course.) After that, please contact us by phone.
If you want to change the number of people, please let us know the day before. Any cancellations on the day of the event will be charged to the last person.
For reservations of 14 or more people, please call us.
There are a few seats available even if you don't make a reservation.
Please note that we cannot accept the reservation of seats.
All seats are non-smoking. (There is a smoking area.)
We reserve the right to cancel your reservation due to the weather on the day of your visit (rain or stormy weather).
In case of cancellation, we will contact you by short email on the day of your reservation.
No refunds will be given in the event that the business is cancelled due to weather after your visit.
Please note that we will start the seating time from the time you make a reservation.

Store Information].
12세 이하
5세 이하


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