Omigyu Kappo Musuhi 온라인 예약

▶JCB & AMEX cannot be used at credit machines until 11/25. You can pay by cash and VISA (or you can pay by JCB if you complete the contactless payment procedure after visiting the store (it takes a little time). Thank you for your understanding.
▶If we cannot contact you within 15 minutes of your reservation time, we may have to cancel your reservation, so please be sure to contact us if you will be late.
▶If you are planning to use counter seats All customers will start at 19:00.
▶︎Only customers using a completely private room can request a start time of 18:30, 19:30, or 20:00. Please write in the notes section.
▶︎Course requirements The scheduled time is 2 to 2.5 hours. This may vary slightly. Please allow yourself plenty of time. ▶︎Please smoke in the smoking area.
▶︎Children should eat the adult course.
▶︎If you don't like raw beef, please let us know in advance. For inquiries by phone: 077-596-3589 ~Video of how to get to the store~ From Moriyama Elementary School to Musuhi How to get there


If you have any allergies or ingredients you don't like, please let us know. If not, please write "None".

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