㊡Issare Shu Cielo 온라인 예약

・ Please tell us when you make a reservation if you have any weak foods or allergies.
・ For those who use celebrations, we will provide a free "message plate" or a "dessert platter" for 1500 yen. Please let us know about 20 characters.
・ We are sorry, but we cannot accept your seat designation. Thank you for your understanding.
・ For reservations of 20 people or more, requests for charter, etc., please call the store directly.
・ If you would like a meal for your child, please tell us when you make your reservation.
Kids A plate 1800 yen up to 6 years old (2 kinds of focaccia, hamburg, potato, salad, favorite pasta or risotto, drinks, dessert assortment)
Kids B course 2500 yen up to elementary school students (2 kinds of focaccia, today;s soup, favorite Assorted pasta, roasted Sangen pork, drinks and desserts assortment)
Kids C course 3500 yen up to elementary school (2 kinds of focaccia, favorite pasta, roasted Japanese beef, drinks and dessert assorted)
12세 이하
3세 이하


Please let us know if you have any weak foods or allergies.
 Example) Crustacean allergy 1 people Dough is OK
Example) Crustacean allergy Reserved person Dough is also NG
 Example) Vegetarian 2 eggs OK Dairy products NG
 Example) Not good at meat All dashi is OK
If you want a dessert plate, please specify the type and message.
 Example) One free plate "「Happy Birthday」
Example) Two free plates one "「Happy Wedding Anniversary」
Example) Dessert platter 1500 yen 1 "「Happy Anniversary」
If your children are together, please let us know the number and age.

예약자 정보

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이 양식을 제출함으로써, 본인은 관련 조항 및 정책에 동의합니다.