Sushidokoro KATABAMI - InterContinental Yokohama Pier 8 온라인 예약

※business hours※
Dinner: 17:30-21:30 (LO) *Sushi Kaiseki: 21:00 (LO)
Lunch (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays only): 12:00-14:00 (LO)

▶All seats are non-smoking all day.
▶Smart casual attire is required. Please refrain from wearing extremely revealing clothing, loungewear, shorts, beach sandals, or other light clothing.
▶Menus may change depending on availability. Images shown are for illustrative purposes only.
▶We cannot accept seating requests or requests.
▶Parking is available at the YOKOHAMA HAMMERHEAD shared parking lot. Guests using the restaurant must present their parking ticket at the time of payment.
Restaurant discount: We will give you a 1-hour discount coupon for purchases over ¥3,000 and a 2-hour discount coupon for purchases over ¥5,000.
・If we are unable to contact you 15 minutes after your reservation time, we may cancel your reservation.
・If you have any other questions, please fill in the request column.

*Business hours may change in accordance with future government and local government policies.
*We will prioritize the safety and security of our customers, and will continue to implement hygiene management measures as we receive information from the government and local governments. We look forward to welcoming you.
12세 이하



We cannot avoid raw ingredients, but if you would like to accommodate allergies for your meals, please fill in the request section with as much detail as possible about the specific allergens or ingredients you cannot eat, and the extent to which they will be removed (whether seasonings, broths are acceptable).
If you are making a reservation within two days of your date of use, we apologize for the inconvenience, but please let us know by phone directly.
Please let us know the purpose of your use (birthday, business entertainment, etc.).

예약자 정보

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