Igarashi Ebisu 온라인 예약

TEL. 050-3188-1505
◆Please let us know the purpose of your meal (birthday, entertainment, etc.) and any food allergies.
◆If you are more than 30 minutes late, we may automatically cancel your reservation.
At night time, children must be old enough to eat one portion. There is no age limit for lunch time.

〒150-0013 4-9-15, Ebisu, Shibuya, Tokyo


🍷 [This month's pairing] We will provide one cup for each dish according to the dish of the month. We will offer 8-9 cups ranging from 7,700 yen to 9,900 yen, so if you would like a smaller cup, please let us know on the day.
👜[Souvenir] Famous Yuzu Mizu Yokan. 2,160 yen This is a special water yokan made as soft as possible using green yuzu for summer and yellow yuzu for winter. (Shelf life is 3 days in the refrigerator) If you wish, please enter the number of orders.

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