Hyotei Bekkan 온라인 예약

▶We do not accept seating requests. There are no private rooms. ▶If we are unable to contact you 30 minutes after your reservation time, we may have to cancel your reservation, so please be sure to contact us if you are going to be late. ▶Seats are limited to one hour from the time of your reservation. ▶All seats are non-smoking. ▶The breakfast porridge from December 1st to March 15th is "quail porridge." (The photo is for illustration purposes only.) [Regarding allergies] ▶We cannot accommodate halal or vegan requests. ▶We cannot accommodate those who are allergic to wheat flour, which is contained in soy sauce and miso. Thank you for your understanding. [Regarding reservations for children] We have a children's menu for children under 5 years old. If you require a meal, please be sure to order the "children's menu." Children aged 6 and over must be included in the adult number when making a reservation.
5세 이하


Regarding allergies and food preferences, please be aware that it may be difficult to find alternative ingredients on the day due to food preparation. Please be sure to fill out the form in advance.
●We cannot accommodate those who are allergic to the wheat flour contained in soy sauce and miso.
●We cannot accommodate halal or vegan guests.

*If none, please write "None."
Have you ordered meals for adults for the number of people in your reservation?
If children up to 5 years old require a meal, please be sure to select the "children's menu." *Please note that we cannot accept orders on the day.

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