Hybrid Restaurant & Wine bar 온라인 예약

Dear valued guest,

Thank you for your interest in dining with Hybrid Restaurant where Thai cuisine meets Italian flair. Indulge your senses in a fusion of vibrant Thai cuisine and the sophistication of Italian culinary artistry come together.

Join us for an evening of gastronomic delight as we showcase the harmonious blend of Thai and Italian culinary traditions. Our expert chef Sasha have crafted a menu that promises to tantalize your taste buds and transport you to a world where two rich culinary heritages converge.

Our wine bar is specializing in boutique wines distinguishes itself by showcasing a carefully curated selection of limited-production and unique wines. These establishments prioritize offering rare and artisanal wines, often sourced from smaller, independent vineyards.

We look forward to sharing this culinary journey with you and creating lasting memories together.

Yours Sincerely,

Smart casual, No Flip Flops

Tuesday - Saturday: 18:00 - 22:00

Sunday – Monday : CLOSED

For other inquiries, please feel free to contact us at:

• Official Email: reservation@hybrid-cuisine.com

• Direct Call: +6681-101-2500

• Official Line account: Hybrid Cuisine Line OA


If you have any food restrictions, please let us know.

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