Akekure - HOTEL KAIE 온라인 예약

Kaiseki meals must be reserved by 3:00 p.m. one business day before.・Children are welcome to use both lunch and dinner seats all day. ・We may not be able to accommodate your request for specific seats. Thank you for your understanding. ・Please contact us by phone for reservations of 9 or more people. Phone inquiries: (Direct) 03-6666-8940 ・We may contact you to confirm your reservation. Please enter a phone number where we can contact you. ・If we are unable to contact you within 30 minutes of your reservation time, we may cancel your reservation, so please be sure to contact us if you are late. ・Cancellation policy: The following cancellation fees will be charged starting from the reservation date. 2 days before: 20% 1 day before: 50% On the day: 100% ・Please let us know if you have food allergies to 8 specific ingredients (shrimp, crab, wheat, buckwheat, eggs, milk, peanuts, walnuts). ・For customers with food allergies other than the 8 specific ingredients, we may not be able to provide food or drinks to you, as we prioritize the safety of our customers.・As this dish is prepared in the same kitchen as other menu items, there is a possibility that allergens may be mixed in during the cooking process. Please be aware of this in advance. ・Please note that the menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients. ・Guests using the Times car park adjacent to the hotel must have a parking ticket issued before visiting the restaurant. Please also present the parking ticket when paying. A 3-hour service ticket is available for purchases of 5,000 yen or more. (Parking: 39 spaces)
12세 이하
6세 이하



예약자 정보

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