Anaga(TAKEOUT) 온라인 예약

June to October: "Beautiful Conger Eel" , a superb gourmet food that you can enjoy the four seasons of Awajishima. We will deliver "Awajishima's Shunsaibin" directly from the source.

We will deliver the popular hot pot dishes from Japanese restaurant Anaga to your home.
"Awajishima's Shunsaibin" is a full set that includes side dishes, so it's hassle-free!
The deliciousness will be delivered as it is by cool delivery.
You can eat it immediately after it arrives. Please select your favorite product from the bottom and apply.

[Reservation rules]
1. For the number of people, please select "1" for 1 person.
2. From the reservation status, select "○ mark" 10:00 on the desired delivery date. Please specify the desired delivery time on the delivery date (same day) in question 2.
3. Please let us know the delivery address information in question 1 from the store.

■About holidays■
*There are irregular holidays in line with Hotel Anaga.
Please check the closed day calendar.
Hotel closing day schedule

For inquiries by phone: 0799-39-1111 (Hotel Anaga main line)


Please provide your address, name, and contact information. Example) 656-0661 1109 Anaga, Minamiawaji City, Hyogo Prefecture Taro Awaji 0799-39-1111
Please indicate your desired delivery time.

예약자 정보

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이 양식을 제출함으로써, 본인은 관련 조항 및 정책에 동의합니다.