Metropolitan Grill - Hilton Tokyo 온라인 예약

【Hilton Honors Member Benefits】
Hilton Honors members can enjoy up to 25% discounts on meals and drinks when using Hilton Group restaurants and bars. In addition, you can earn an additional 500 Honors Points for purchases of 4,500 yen or more.
Period: Until June 30, 2025
Become a Hilton Honors member now
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【Hilton Honors Member Benefits】
Hilton Honors members can enjoy up to 25% discounts on meals and drinks when using Hilton Group restaurants and bars. In addition, you can earn an additional 500 Honors Points for purchases of 4,500 yen or more.
Period: Until June 30, 2025
Blackout dates: December 31, January 1 – 3

Become a Hilton Honors member now

* Discount rate varies depending on membership status.
* 500 Honors Points are awarded on condition that payment is made at the restaurant. (Room charges are not applicable)
* Not applicable to group use of 10 or more people (including members).
* This benefit and discount cannot be used in conjunction with other benefits, discounts, discount coupons, or special promotions.

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