Bar & Dining "Clouds" - Hilton Fukuoka Sea Hawk 온라인 예약

▶ Please be informed your meal request including birthday, entertainment, etc and food allergy matter in advance.
▶ Please be noted that we might not be able to accommodate your request for table choice depending upon booking status of the day.
▶Minors are not allowed after 22:00.
▶Cover charge *after 17:30
750 yen per person (Svc & Tax Incl.)
▶ One private room with 12 seats (6-12 persons) is available;
12,500 yen (Svc & Tax Incl.)
▶We will send you a reservation confirmation via LINE notification.
※Please contact our Restaurant Reservations at 092-844-8000 (open from 9:00 to 18:00) for your booking request on private room and various types of plans and when you need booking over 10 persons.

When you need to cancel booking, please refer to the following.
- Online cancellation is accepted 2 days before the event.
-Please give us direct call on the cancellation for the day.


If you have any requests, please let us know.
Please let us know if you have any food allergies.
If you are a member of Hilton Honors, please let us know your member's stauts and number (9-10 digit).
If not, please input as N/A.
(Example) Gold 123456789

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