Sisuco Grill Steak & Seafood - HILTON OKINAWA SESOKO RESORT 온라인 예약

▶Your table is reserved for 15 minutes from the expected arrival time. Please contact the restaurant if you wish to change or cancel your reservation. Failing to do so may result in automatic cancellation of your booking.
▶Please inform us of any food allergies and the purpose of your visit (birthday, anniversary, etc.).
▶If you are bringing children, please let us know the number of children, their ages and highchair request (if applicable) in the request box. Limited number of highchairs are available on first-come-first-served basis.
▶We may not be able to meet your request for seat selection.
▶We may be able to seat you even if online reservations are fully booked. Please contact restaurant on the day.
▶ Food ingredients and prices are subject to change.
▶Prices include tax and service charge.
▶We will send you a reservation confirmation via LINE notification.

▶Use of Private Room
We have one private room that can accommodate between 2 to 8 guests.
Additional fee will be charged at JPY10,000 (inclusive of tax) at every 2.5 hours.
Reservations for private room are only guaranteed upon a call back from the restaurant.

For more information about Sisuco Grill Steak & Seafood, click here>>
☎ : 0570-02-0701 (Hotel Direct Line)
12세 이하
3세 이하


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