Saryo Hananoutagae 온라인 예약

▶When making a reservation for multiple people, please select the same cooking course. Please note that it is not possible to select multiple courses per group. ▶If children eat the same food as adults, please select 3 adults. Also, please write your age in the remarks column. ▶If you can't contact us after 30 minutes of the reservation time, we may have to cancel it, so please contact us if you are late. ▶For reservations of 13 people or more, please contact the store directly. ▶For private and semi-private rooms, a seat reservation fee will be charged. Please check from the link below. ▶ All meals will be served as course meals. There is no single item menu. ▶Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are expected to be crowded, so please carpool as much as possible. ▶Cancellation on the day will be charged 100%. Inquiries by phone: 0566-72-0390
12세 이하




例:Happy Birthday○○、3rd Wedding Anniversary

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