Hacienda Del Cielo (Daikanyama) 온라인 예약

*If you wish to reserve a terrace seat, it will be reserved in the Vista Lounge. (In the event of bad weather, we will reserve a seat inside the restaurant, but if the restaurant is fully booked, you will have to wait at the standing bar until a seat becomes available.) *If you wish to use the SKY Dining, please call us. (Please note that we will not be able to accommodate your request even if you fill in the remarks section of the online reservation.) *We ask that you refrain from making detailed seating requests outside of the area. *Reservations from 11:00 to 18:30 are based on an hourly system, with a 2-hour system for lunch and a 2-hour 20-minute system for dinner from 15:00. *Please note that the terrace seats are open until 22:00. *A table charge of 440 yen will be charged after 15:00, and a late-night charge of 10% will be charged after 22:00. The official reservation site "The HUGE CLUB" app has been released! Search for "HUGE CLUB" on [AppStore] or [GooglePlay]! ▼Click here to download the app▼


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