Ristorante GRANDE MARE/Shigira Bayside Suite ALLAMANDA 온라인 예약

★ We do not accept seat requests.
This plan is only available for customers using the Window-Side Guaranteed Plan.

★ We offer a Window-Side Guaranteed Plan! Please scroll down to view the product.
★ During the New Year's period, restaurant usage is limited to guests staying at the resort hotel. We appreciate your understanding in advance.

▶ The product mainly consists of course meals. Please be aware of this.
▶ Children under 5 years old cannot be accommodated according to hotel policy.
▶ We do not accept seat requests, including requests for window-side seating.
▶ If you would like a celebratory dessert plate, please inform us by the day before.
▶ If we cannot contact you 30 minutes after your reservation time, we may have to consider it a cancellation, so please be sure to contact us if you are running late.
▶ We do not accept online requests for special items like surprise cakes. Please call us for any special requests.
▶ For reservations of 10 people or more, please contact the restaurant directly.

For inquiries by phone: 0980-74-7100 (Shigira Bayside Suite Aramanda Representative)

[Please be sure to confirm]
In the restaurants and bars within the Shigira Seven Miles Resort Hotel operated by our company, as well as in the restaurants and bars within the resort, we have established "Terms of Use" to ensure that customers can use our facilities with peace of mind.
12세 이하


Please select your accommodation. If you are not staying at Shigira Resort, please choose "Other" and provide details.
For example: Other hotels, local accommodations.
Please provide details about any allergies or dislikes. We may not be able to accommodate last-minute requests.
For example: Allergic to shrimp for one person, also allergic to extracts.
Dislikes onions but can eat them if cooked, etc.

If there are none, please write "None".
We regret to inform you that reservations are not accepted for guests with children who are not yet of elementary school age. Additionally, usage is limited to guests staying at the resort from August 10th to August 15th.

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