▶ Reservations can be made for dates up to 60 days from today.
▶︎ Please note that we are unable to accept seat selection at the time of booking.
▶︎ As the reservation date approaches, it is possible that the restaurant may contact you to confirm your reservation.
▶︎ A smart elegance dress code is recommended. It is suggested that men avoid wearing anything too casual, such as T-shirts, short trousers, or sandals, and refrain from wearing hats during the meal. It is recommended that jackets or collared shirts be worn.
▶︎ If we are unable to contact you 30 minutes after your reserved time, we may have no choice but to treat your reservation as cancelled. Please contact us if you will be late.
▶︎Please note that if a reservation is cancelled within 48 hours of the reserved time, a fee of JPY 11,000 per person will be charged. If the cancellation is made within 24 hours of the reserved time, a fee of JPY 22,000 per person will be charged.
▶︎Guests must be 16 years or older.
▶︎We are closed on Sundays and Mondays.

For the time being, only web reservations are accepted.


Please make sure to inform us of any food allergies you may have and let us know in advance. If none, please state 'none'.
e.g. 1 person: egg allergy (acceptable if cooked).
e.g. 1 person: not fond of raw seafood (smoked salmon is acceptable).
If you are celebrating a birthday or anniversary, please indicate the type of celebration and the number of recipients.
(We will prepare the message on your behalf).
 e.g. Birthday : 1 person, name "Kei".
   Wedding anniversary : 2 people, no name needed, 1 plate

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