DevilCraft Gotanda 온라인 예약

Reservation seating times are for 2 hours.
(Food Last Call: 60 min. before end of seating time, Drinks: 30 min. before)
One drink minimum drink order required (preferably DC beer ;-).
We require a food course pre-order for parties of 8 or more guests.We also offer a 10% discount off all drinks (Beer, Wine, Soft drinks, etc.) for groups ordering our food course menu (for all members of the group). Sorry, we do not offer all-you-can-drink plans.

Counter seats available for walk-in customers available first-come, first-serve.
For today's reservations and take-out orders, please call us at 03-6421-7788.

For cancellations, changes to rsvn time, guest number, etc, please call us or revise your reservation online.
A cancellation charge will be charged to guests who cancel or reduce guest number on the day of your reservation.

Deep Dish Pizza orders may take up to 60 minutes from time of order to table delivery during peak times.
Please enter your pre-order in the request box below to ensure prompt service.
 ▶Food menu◀ 
12세 이하
5세 이하


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