TEPPANYAKI Colza 온라인 예약

 ☎03-3572ー3039 電話受付時間 月曜日~金曜日 10:00~19:00
≪Reservation term≫
▶Cancellation fees will be 50% of the reservation amount from 48 hours before your scheduled visit, and 100% of the reservation amount from 24 hours before your scheduled visit.
▶All seats are in front of the iron plate counter. The main dining room is for shared seating only. Please refrain from using the seats of customers who have not ordered a course meal or with children who do not require a meal. When using Private Room A or Private Room B for 2 to 3 people, a private room fee of 22,000 yen (tax included, 10% service charge not included) will be charged. There is no room charge for 4 or more people.
Private room A & B、for 2 to 3 people, the private room fee is 22,000 yen (tax included, 10% service charge not included). There is no room charge for 4 or more people. 
▶A late arrival over 30 minutes without contact may result in a cancellation with charge. (Please see below.) Please call the restaurant in case of late arrival.
▶Your seat will be available for 2 hours from the reservation time. Please note that even if you arrive late, the available time may not change.
▶Please note that we are unable to accommodate food allergies on the day of the event. If you wish to change ingredients that you do not like, please call the store in advance.
▶For children under the age of 12, please order a course meal and use a private room. Please note that in that case, you will be charged a private room fee. Reservations for private rooms can be made by phone.
▶Wine can be brought in up to 1 bottle of 750ml per group.Wine corkage fee is 10,000yen per 750ml bottle. (Includes consumption tax, excludes 10% service charge.)Please refrain from bringing in beverages other than wine. We will not keep your bottles.


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