Pastry Shop - Ceruleantower Tokyu Hotel 온라인 예약

Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel Pastry Shop Tel. 03-3476-3000 We sell sweets, bread, gifts, and seasonings produced by Executive Chef Yoshihiko Fukuda. We offer a lineup of products made with seasonal ingredients, with attention paid to quality control so that we can deliver the color and authentic flavor of each season. ▶ We only accept takeaway orders. Please consume fresh sweets on the same day. ▶For take-out items at the pastry shop, the total price includes 8% consumption tax. ▶Quantities are limited depending on the purchasing situation. We apologize for any inconvenience caused if an item is sold out. ▶The photo is for illustrative purposes only. <For customers with food allergies> ▶If you have a food allergy, please inform us at the time of booking. Please note that we may not be able to accommodate requests from customers with severe food allergies. ▶Since all ingredients provided in the pastry shop are prepared in the same kitchen, there is a possibility that allergens may be mixed in. We ask that you consult with a specialist and make the final decision for yourself. Please select the time you can come to collect your order from the following times↘


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