Ginza Kanizen 온라인 예약

◾️◾️◾️ Important notice regarding reservations ◾️◾️◾️
≪Reservations for Matsuba Crab have started≫
We are expecting it to be crowded again this year, so please make your reservations early.
Also, in order to accommodate as many customers as possible, please understand that the seating will be limited to 2 hours.

≪Notice regarding measures against coronavirus≫
Thank you very much for your continued support. Currently, at "Kanijenne Ginza", as a countermeasure against the new coronavirus infectious disease, we are only providing information for all rooms to be completely private rooms.
In addition, please rest assured that we are taking all possible measures such as thorough hand washing and alcohol disinfection for employees and obligatory wearing of masks.

≪Other information regarding reservations≫
・Please refrain from wearing light clothing such as tank tops, shorts, and sandals.
*We will keep your card information at the time of reservation, but payment will not be made. Please pay the actual usage fee at the store on the day.

▶ Cancellation policy
Cancellation on the day: 100%
Cancellation the day before: 50%
Cancellation fee will be charged.

Kanijenne Ginza store owner


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