The Bvlgari Bar, Bvlgari Hotel Tokyo 온라인 예약

[Opening hours] 12:00-24:00
Lunchtime 12:00-15:00 / Lunch set (last seating at 13:30), Dining seats only (last seating at 15:00)
▶Please note that all seats are non-smoking and seats cannot be specified.
▶Guests aged 20 and over are allowed to use the restaurant after 18:00.
▶PC use is limited until 17:00.
▶Smart casual dress code is required.
▶From 3 pm onward we will welcome guest on a walk-in basis.
Restaurant reservations direct: 03-6262-6624 (reception hours: 10:00 - 19:00)
12세 이하
5세 이하


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