Kyokaiseki Hotaru - Urayasu Brighton Hotel Tokyo Bay 온라인 예약

Due to exterior wall construction work, protective sheets will be installed on the windows from November 27, 2024 to March 3, 2025 (planned). We apologize for the inconvenience, but you will not be able to enjoy the view outside. Thank you for your understanding. 🎄Brighton Christmas 2024🎄Restaurants and cake shops will offer limited courses and cakes✨ For details, Here From!! 🍓We have options recommended for birthdays and anniversaries🍓 ・Anniversary plate from 2,500 yen (reservations required by 6:00 p.m. three days prior) ・Whole cake from 3,500 yen (reservations required by 6:00 p.m. two days prior) ▶ ※1 Private table room charges ■2-8 people: 2,000 yen per room ■9-14 people: 3,000 yen per room (varies depending on the number of people using the room) ▶ We are closed every Wednesday (excluding public holidays). ▶Seats are limited to 2 hours. ▶If you have food allergies, please contact the store by phone at least one day before your visit. Please click here for more details.
12세 이하
5세 이하


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