BeruBeru Park Shinjuku 온라인 예약

Campaign ★ Promotional passports now on sale! 500 yen off any time♪★ Created in response to feedback from repeat customers♪ The selling price is 500 yen. You can get a 500 yen discount any time (100 yen off for all friends) within the validity period (3 months) and can use it as many times as you like! Available at all Bellbell Park locations. *Available only for 3-hour and 5-hour packs. <Up to 2 children (elementary school age or younger) are free per adult> The ultimate kids' space. Up to 2 children are free per adult. From 3 people onwards, we will offer half the adult price.
12세 이하
2세 이하


★Bell Bel Park Job Experience Menu★ If you order in advance, we can provide it to you smoothly on the day.
If you selected pre-order in question 1, please enter the number of sets for each. Example: ① 2 sets ② 1 set

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