日本料理 別府 廣門(テイクアウト) 온라인 예약

From Japanese restaurant Beppu HIROKADO
[Takeaway] Oita Wagyu Beef Bowl BENTO

Two types of bento are available: three types (sansho, shiitake and ginger / shiitake only).
Both are available at 3,500 yen for a medium portion or 4,500 yen for a large portion.

For lunch or dinner on your trip or lunch at a conference.
Oita Wagyu beef stewed with shiitake mushrooms, Japanese pepper and ginger from Oita Prefecture is served in a hearty and satisfying bento box specially prepared by Beppu Hiromon.
For children and those who do not like the spiciness of pepper and ginger, a shiitake mushroom-only bento is also available.
The rice is made from Oita Prefecture's Hinohikari "Shiroshita Takezumi Rice," which is also served as part of the course.

No additives or preservatives are used.
Shelf life: half a day after delivery (refrigeration required)
*We may consult with you by e-mail in case of large quantities.
The standard portion is 130g of beef, and the large portion is 200g of beef with extra rice.


Where are you from?
What is the purpose that you get the BENTO for?

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