◉All seats are non-smoking.
◉No perfume or other strong scents are allowed in the restaurant.
◉Please call us at 03-3401-8922 for direct reservations. Please note that we may not be able to accept reservations due to food or other reasons.
If you need to change your reservation time or the number of people in your party, please call us as soon as possible.
If we are unable to contact you within 15 minutes of your reservation time, we may have no choice but to cancel your reservation. If you are unable to make it in time, please call us.
◉Please let us know the purpose of your dinner party (birthday, entertainment, etc.) and any allergies you may have.

Reservations with children
◉On Saturdays only, reservations can be made for pre-school children.
12세 이하
5세 이하



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