Lounge Tea&Dine - ANA Crowne Plaza Fukuoka 온라인 예약

・Please note that we may be unable to accommodate your requests for specific seating.
・All prices are including service charge, and subject to 10% consumption tax.
・We offer our dining guests up to 2 hours complimentary parking.
・If you have any food allergies or intolerance, kindly let us know in advance.
・Cancellation policy is applied to a party of more than 10 guests. 100% cancellation fee prior to 3 days of the booking.
・Please call 81-92-4717111 for a booking more than 10 guests.
・Menus and prices may change without any notification
・If you would like to request any menus except plans stated below, please reserve ‘seat booking only’ and state the name of menu in ‘request’ column.
12세 이하
5세 이하



If there are any ingredients you are allergic to, please fill in the relevant information. (We may contact you regarding the information you have provided.)
Which region do you live in?

예약자 정보

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이 양식을 제출함으로써, 본인은 관련 조항 및 정책에 동의합니다.