Brasserie Verdemar - Hotel Nikko Alivila 온라인 예약

◆If you would like to accommodate allergies, please check our "Food Allergy Response Policy" and contact us by phone. ▶Online reservations are subject to limited seating. If you are unable to make a reservation on the date and time you wish, please contact us by phone. ▶Online reservations can be set to a reservation period (up to 60 days in advance), number of guests (up to 8 guests), and various other settings. ▶Prices include tax and service charges. ▶Please enter the number of guests in the number of guests field below, not the number of meals ordered. (Adults: junior high school students and above, children 6-12 years old, infants 0-5 years old) ▶Please fill out if you are using the Grand Mercure Okinawa Zanpamisaki Resort mutual use service. Guests who wish to include dinner are asked to issue a dinner voucher at the Grand Mercure Okinawa Zanpamisaki Resort front desk and bring it with them. Restaurant Reservations ☎: 098-989-9021 (10:00-17:00)
12세 이하
5세 이하


Are you staying at our hotel on your reservation date?
If yes, please fill out the name of a group's representative and an arrival date as the below Request.
For inquiries regarding allergies, please check our "Food Allergy Policy" and contact us by phone.

예약자 정보

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이 양식을 제출함으로써, 본인은 관련 조항 및 정책에 동의합니다.