Teppanyaki Restaurant GOSAMARU - Hotel Nikko Alivila 온라인 예약

Message from Teppanyaki Gosamaru

・Menu Prices include an 10 % tax, and a 10% service.
・Making a reservation on our web site can be made until 60 days before the scheduled date.
Please call us after that date.
・The maximum people of a group reservation via this web site are 7 people.
Please call a restaurant to make a reservation if a group is more than 8 people.
・Please fill out the number of people in the below remarks.
(Adults: older than 13 years old, Children: from 6 years old to 12 years old, Infant: from 0 years old to 5 years old.). It is not possible to make allergy removable menu because of the buffet style.
・Please call us if it is difficult make a reservation on the web site.
・10 allergic substances in foods are labeled for Lunch Buffet.
(Egg, daily products, wheat, soba (buckwheat noodles), shrimp, crab, peanuts, soy beans,
sesame, and nuts).
・Please call us about the allergy removable menu for dinner.
・Telephone:098-989-9021(9:00 to 19:00)
12세 이하
5세 이하


Are you staying at our hotel on your reservation date?
If yes, please fill out the name of a group's representative and an arrival date as the below Request.

예약자 정보

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이메일 의 일부를 포함하지 않아야 합니다.
비밀번호 확인은(는) 서로 일치해야 합니다
이 양식을 제출함으로써, 본인은 관련 조항 및 정책에 동의합니다.