THE AGNES CAFÉ Takeout 온라인 예약

▶ Please be sure to contact us if your reservation time is later than 30 minutes. ▶ We have a freshly made menu that is not supposed to be saved. Please consume as soon as possible after handing over. ▶ From October 1, 2021, the prices of the weekly menu, pizza, and kids menu have been changed. ▶ For cancellation, please contact us by phone at least 1 hour before the reservation time. Inquiries by phone: 088-626-2222 Today's menu can be found on Agnes Cafe Instagram. The menu is updated every Monday-it changes every week from Sunday to Sunday. Click here to reserve the Agnes Cafe Instagram Restaurant


If you have allergies or foods that you are not good at, please list them. If not, please write "None".

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