Prenota a Charcoal-grilled Genghis Khan Ishida

Business hours
Business days: 11:00~23:00 (Lo. 22:00)
We are open all year round!

Reservation opening schedule
We are releasing reservations up to 2 months in advance.

Reservation rules
●We may not be able to accommodate your seat request. Thank you for your understanding.
●Seats are available for 120 minutes from the reservation time. If you arrive late, you will not be able to extend your usage time.
●During busy seasons, there may be days when your reservation will be delayed a little. note that.

Change/cancellation of reservation
●Please be sure to contact us if you wish to change the number of people, change the date and time, or cancel after making your reservation.

For inquiries
regarding group reservations, please contact us by phone.
For inquiries by phone: 011-252-9708
12 anni e meno
5 anni e meno


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