2024.02 Grand Open
Lunch 2/26(MON) Open 
Dinner 2/27(TUE) Open

・05:30pm-10:00pm(Course L.O.08:00pm|AlaCarte L.O.09:00pm|Drink L.O.09:30pm)
*Depending on circumstances, we may change business hours or be closed.

▶Please be aware that you cannot specify your table.
▶If you have any food allergies, please let us know in advance.
▶Reservation for a group of 5 people and more, please call the restaurant.
▶if you are with child(under 5 years old) at lunch time, please fill in this form.
▶Please refrain from bringing child under 5 years old.
▶If it becomes unavoidable to arrive late, please call the restaurant as soon as possible.

MOSS CROSS TOKYO Reservation Desk
10 anni e meno
5 anni e meno


Please let us know if you have any food allergies or special dietary needs.

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