Prenota a Lubina - 日比谷ミッドタウン

▶ Please understand that sometimes we are unable to accommodate requests for specific tables.
▶ To cancel your reservation on the day, please call the restaurant directly.
▶ We would greatly appreciate it if you would call the restaurant if you will be more than 15 minutes late. If you have not called within 15 minutes, your reservation will automatically be cancelled.
▶ To make reservations for 13 people or more, please call the restaurant directly.
▶ Sometimes terrace seating will not be available, owing to strong winds, intense heat, bad weather or the like. Please understand that your reservation may be cancelled if the terrace cannot be used and inside seating is expected to be full.
▶ At lunchtime and tea time (Saturdays and Sundays), tables are available for 2 hours.
▶ At dinnertime, tables are available for 2 hours and 45 minutes.
▶ To make special requests or the like, please call the restaurant.
12 anni e meno
5 anni e meno



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