Prenota a All Day Dining Jurin - 京王プラザホテル

6:00~18:00(last order 17:30)

▶ If you do not arrive within 30 minutes after your reservation time, we will cancel your reservation. If you need to change or cancel on the day of your reservation, please call us in advance.
▶Regardless of the time of entry, seating is available until 14:00 from October 1st.
(Regardless of the time of entry, seating is available until 14:30 from September 30th.)
▶ Please note that seat selection may not be able to meet your request.
▶ For reservations of 5 or more persons or for private rooms, please call us in advance.
▶ Contact & Reservation Tel:+81 3 3344 0111
              Reception hours  10:00-20:00

Click here for restaurant Terms of Use for Restaurants
12 anni e meno
3 anni e meno


※Kindly inform our staff, if you are allergic to certain foods or observing dietary restrictions.
※Please let us know how your party will be used.(Birthday, Business entertainment)

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