Prenota a Buffet Dining Ocean Terrace - Intercontinental Yokohama Grand

【Please note that we may be unable to accommodate your requests for specific seating. 】
*Smoking is not permitted in the restaurant at any time. *Prices are inclusive of 15%Svs & Tax.*Please understand that your table will be a 90 minute limit in lunch time, a 120 minute limit in dinner time. *Buffet corner is opened until the last call. *Coffee or tea included. *Depending the purchase of stock, the menu might be changed. *Image is for illustrative purposes. *Seat assignments are not accepted. Seat preferences are registered as preferences only and cannot be guaranteed. *Parking validation available (Minato Mirai Public Parking at underground of PACIFICO Yokohama); 1 hour free parking with purchases 5,000 yen / 2 hours free parking with purchases 10,000 yen. *If anything we would cancel your booking, if we cannot contact to you after over 15 minutes. *Please select "adult" "child" "infant" number. *Please contact at +81(0)45 223 2267
12 anni e meno
4 anni e meno



Do you have any allergic or dietary requirements?
If you are not allergic, please select "Not specified".
Please inform us if you like to use a child's chair.

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