Prenota a Thrush Cafe

▶We do not accept specific seating. Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request. ▶For reservations of 9 or more people, please contact us by phone. ▶Children's lunches are available for children up to elementary school age. ▶Pets are not permitted. ▶If we do not hear from you 20 minutes after your reservation time, we may be forced to cancel your reservation. If there is a change in time, please contact us at the following phone number. Phone inquiries: 0570-064-128 Happo-en main navigation number (select a restaurant)
12 anni e meno


Please write down any allergies/ingredients you don't like. If not, please write "None".
If you need a child's chair, please write the number of seats. If you want a stroller to be seated, please write the number of seats. (It may be difficult to seat a stroller.)
If you have had a wedding at Happo-en or are planning to do so, please enter the date of your wedding.

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