Reservations are accepted up to two months in advance.
Same-day reservations are accepted until 5:00 p.m.
Reservations are accepted for up to eight people.
For parties of nine or more, please contact us by phone.
Reservations will be canceled without notice 15 minutes after the reservation time.
Customers who cancel reservations frequently may be refused.
Please refrain from using the cafe only. (Please order one food item and one drink per seat.)
Please note that seating is limited to two hours.
12 anni e meno
3 anni e meno


I tuoi dettagli

Password è troppo corto (il minimo è 8 caratteri)
Password è troppo debole
Password deve includere almeno una lettera maiuscola, una lettera minuscola, un numero e un simbolo.
Password non deve contenere parte di Email.
Password non coincide con Conferma password
Inviando questo modulo, accetti i termini e politiche pertinenti.