Pesan di Japanese food / Hyatt Regency Seragaki Island Okinawa

・Please note that it may not always be possible for us to meet your seating request
・Depending on the weather, facilities and / or equipment conditions, the restaurant may be closed
・Opening hours, menu items and prices may change without prior notice.
・From November, all prices are inclusive of tax and subject to a 13% service charge.

・Online reservations are limited to a maximum of six people. If your party is larger than 7 guests, please contact us by email.
11 tahun ke bawah
5 tahun ke bawah


Apakah Anda ingin bergabung dengan program loyalitas World of Hyatt secara gratis dan mendapatkan keuntungan dari pembelanjaan makanan di hotel Hyatt yang berpartisipasi? Dengan bergabung, Anda menyetujui Syarat & Ketentuan World of Hyatt. Kami mengumpulkan dan menggunakan informasi pribadi Anda sesuai dengan Kebijakan Privasi kami.
To the guests who have Food allergy,
We would like to seek your understanding that our restaurant does not have any separate facility / kitchen specifically for strict preparation of non-allergenic food.
We are careful about the use of our kitchen utensils and about hygiene, but Chefs may use the same kitchen tools to prepare non-seafood dishes and seafood dishes when cooking in a kitchen.
However, upon your request, we will try our best to serve you with safe preparations beforehand.

Please kindly let us know about the details at the "Requests " text box, so we can take note of them.

Detail Tamu

Kata sandi terlalu pendek (minimum 8 karakter)
Kata sandi terlalu lemah
Kata sandi setidaknya harus terdiri dari satu huruf besar, satu huruf kecil, satu angka, dan satu simbol.
Kata sandi tidak boleh mengandung bagian dari Email.
Kata sandi tidak sesuai dengan Konfirmasi kata sandi
Dengan mengirimkan formulir ini, Anda menyetujui ketentuan dan kebijakan yang relevan.