Pesan di Sekkatei Morning BOX & Supper Set - Rusutsu Resort Hotel & Convention

◆ Make this reservation at Rusutsu Resort Hotel, Westin Rusutsu, Vale Rusutsu For hotel guests I will do it. ◆ Morning BOX reservations are accepted until 17:00 the day before. ◆ Reservations for dinner meals are accepted until 16:00 on the day of the event. ◆ For payment, you can use a plan with meals, payment at the store, and room charge. ◆ From receipt Within 2 hours Please enjoy. ◆ Please enjoy your meal inside the hotel . ◆ Customers who do not have meals, such as children with existing bed-sharing plans, will be charged an additional fee. ◆ There is no children's menu available. Children's meal tickets can be used with the difference. ◆ CXL without contact or CXL on the day will be charged a 100% cancellation charge. Please acknowledge it beforehand.


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How would you like to pay?

Detail Tamu

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Kata sandi tidak boleh mengandung bagian dari Email.
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