Pesan di Hakata NADAMAN

▶ If you can not contact after 15 minutes of booking, please contact us if you are late as it may be treated as cancellation.
▶Please contact the store directly when booking for more than 11 people.
▶If you are traveling with children, please make a reservation by phone.

※The hours of use in the private room will be 2 hours&2part system during the daytime from 11:30am to 1:30pm / 2:00pm to 4:00pm.
There is no time restriction at night.


Please fill in if you have any allergens.

Detail Tamu

Kata sandi terlalu pendek (minimum 8 karakter)
Kata sandi terlalu lemah
Kata sandi setidaknya harus terdiri dari satu huruf besar, satu huruf kecil, satu angka, dan satu simbol.
Kata sandi tidak boleh mengandung bagian dari Email.
Kata sandi tidak sesuai dengan Konfirmasi kata sandi
Dengan mengirimkan formulir ini, Anda menyetujui ketentuan dan kebijakan yang relevan.