Pesan di Chinese Restaurant Toh-Lee - Karasuma Kyoto Hotel

We accept reservations for Karasuma Kyoto Hotel Chinese restaurant Toh-Lee here. ▶We may not be able to meet your request for seat designation. ▶Reservations for groups of 21 or more are accepted by phone. ▶ Reservations can be made online or by phone. ▶Please be sure to contact us if you will be late for your reservation time. If we are unable to contact you within 30 minutes, we may consider your reservation as cancelled. ▶Dishes are subject to change. ▶The photo is an image. Click here for the official website Lunch 11:30-15:00 (LO 14:30) Saturdays, Sundays and holidays: 1st part 11:00-13:00 (LO 12:30) 2nd part 13:30-15:30 (LO 15:00) Dinner 17:30-21:00 (LO 20:00) Reservations/Inquiries: 075-371-0141 (10:30-20:00) Cancellation fees may apply.


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