Pesan di Teppan Diner JAKEN Ikebukurohonten

Thank you for your continued patronage!
We will be open for business after taking thorough measures against new coronavirus infection.

Business hours
Lunch 11:30-14:30 (L.O.14:00)
Dinner 17:00-23:00 (L.O.22:00)

In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus, we would appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Please inform us of the purpose of your meal (birthday, entertainment, etc.) and any food allergies.
Please understand that we may not be able to meet your request for seat selection.
If you have any message, please write it in the space provided. Happy Wedding 00&00. 1st Anniversary
12 tahun ke bawah


Detail Tamu

Kata sandi terlalu pendek (minimum 8 karakter)
Kata sandi terlalu lemah
Kata sandi setidaknya harus terdiri dari satu huruf besar, satu huruf kecil, satu angka, dan satu simbol.
Kata sandi tidak boleh mengandung bagian dari Email.
Kata sandi tidak sesuai dengan Konfirmasi kata sandi
Dengan mengirimkan formulir ini, Anda menyetujui ketentuan dan kebijakan yang relevan.