[LUNCH] 11:30 - 15:00 (LO 14:00) Online reservations accepted until 10:30 on the day of dining [DINNER] 18:00 - (LO 21:00) Online reservations accepted until 17:30 on the day of dining. After this time, please contact us by phone. We are currently not accepting reservations after September 1, 2024. ▶[DINNER] Dining reservations are accepted from 6pm to 8pm. ▶[BAR] Bar reservations are accepted from 9pm onwards. ▶Seating is automatically allocated in the order in which reservations are made. There is generally no rotation system for live music and DJs. ▶Reservations for premium shortcake and afternoon tea must be made up to 3 days in advance, and for course reservations up to 1 day in advance. ▶Please contact us by phone for reservations for 9 people or more. ▶Reservations made after 30 minutes will be considered cancelled. ▶You can also make changes to your reservation online. If you are unable to make changes online, please contact us by phone. Inquiries: 03-5789-8818


If you have any food allergies, please let us know.

Detail Tamu

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