Réserver à French Bistro SYOKUDOU L'ORANGE

▶️ Special Collaboration Event with Chef Sandayama ✖️ Chef Ohara
Reservations are now being accepted!!
< < Period: October 2nd - October 6th > >

▶️ If the event is fully booked, time slots will no longer be visible, even on business days.
▶️ When making a reservation, please inform us of any food allergies or dietary restrictions.
▶️ If there are multiple allergies or aversions to certain ingredients, we may need to decline the reservation to avoid contamination risks.
▶️ If you are more than 10 minutes late and we cannot reach you, your reservation may be considered canceled. Please notify us if you will be late.
▶️ For reservations of 7 or more guests, please contact the restaurant directly.
▶️ If you are bringing children, please indicate this in the request section when making your reservation.
▶️ Please be aware that it may be difficult to reach us by phone during business hours. We appreciate your understanding.
12 ans et moins
5 ans et moins




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