Réserver à Sushi Kiraku

▶Please note that we may not be able to meet your request for seat selection.
▶If you cancel on the day of your reservation, a cancellation fee of 100% of the course fee will be charged.
▶If you change the number of people on the day of your reservation, you will be charged 100% of the course fee for the number of people originally booked.
▶Children: Junior high school students and above can enjoy meals.
▶Perfume with a strong scent, hair styling product, etc. may cause inconvenience to other customers. Please be considerate and refrain from doing so.


If you have any food allergies or foods you are not good at, please fill in. If you do not have one, please enter "none".


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Mot de passe ne doit pas contenir une partie de E-mail.
Mot de passe ne concorde pas avec Confirmation du mot de passe
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