Réserver à Spice Cafe

▶ As regards the specification of the seat, we may not be able to comply with your request, so please be forewarned.
▶ In the case of reservation for two people, there may be table seats to be hanged side by side and sofa seat of low table. Please note.
▶ When crowded, it may be seated for the second turn. In that case we may wait about 10 minutes to enter the store. Please note.
▶ If you can not contact us after 30 minutes from the time of reservation, we will be forced to treat you as a cancellation so please be sure to contact us if you are late.
▶ Please contact the store directly when booking more than 9 people.
▶ If children also eat the course, please put in the number of adults even under 12 years old. There is no preparation for children's menu only. If you would like a single curry please contact us by phone.

Inquiries by telephone on the above: 03-3613-4020
12 ans et moins



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