Réserver à Ramen FeeL

Un frais de réservation de ¥ 390 par personne s'applique à toutes les réservations, ce qui est non remboursable quelles que soient les raisons d'annulation ou les erreurs.
*Reservation rules*
●Please be sure to order one noodle dish per person. *We also have ramen for children.
●Customers wearing excessive perfume may be refused entry. note that.
●Please note that the designated time is the meeting time, and there may be a 5-25 minute time lag between actual entry and food service.

*About cancellation*
For cancellations, a cancellation fee will be charged as shown below, starting from the date and time of your visit.
・On the day (24 hours before arrival time): ¥ 2,000 per person

*Changes to reservation date/time/number of people*
Changes to the number of people or date/time after reservation is completed are not accepted for any reason.
Please be sure to check before confirming your order. In the unlikely event that the date, time, or number of people changes, we apologize for the inconvenience, but please cancel and reschedule your reservation.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the store.
※ We are not available during business hours.
※ Reservations can only be made online. We do not accept reservations via DM.


If you have any allergies or ingredients you don't like, please let us know.
Is there anyone in your group planning to eat together?


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