Réserver à In-Room Dining / Halekulani Okinawa

Please make reservations for anniversary cakes at least 3 days in advance. Cancellations must be made by 3:00 pm the day before the reserved date. Cancellations made after 3:00 pm the day before will be subject to a 100% cancellation fee.

Please specify the delivery time of the cake according to the time you are in the room. (Please note that we do not accept deliveries before check-in or while you are out.)
Please kindly be aware that depending on certain situations the desired delivery time may be up to 15minutes late.

For Guests with Food Allergies click here


Will you planning to stay with us?
Please fill out reservation name and date of check-in, check-out.
Please inform us regarding any food allergies and dietary restrictions.


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